Facts & Figures

US companies directly employ 211,000 people across Ireland and indirectly support a further 168,000 jobs - with Ireland acting as the gateway to Europe for US companies.

people employed by Irish companies across all 50 US states
Ireland is the 6th largest investor in the US
employees of US companies in Ireland
almost 970 US companies in Ireland

US-Ireland Business Report 2025 - Succeeding Together: Driving Transatlantic Innovation and Trade

AmCham’s 2025 US-Ireland Business Report: ‘Succeeding Together: Driving Transatlantic Innovation and Trade’, tells the story of the resounding success and impact of the two-way US-Ireland business relationship. A success story that has resulted in job creation, in research and innovation, in the development of world-class talent and in the prosperity of both countries, with economic growth across both Ireland and the US continuing to outpace competitor jurisdictions.

This success is built off a two-way, mutually beneficial investment relationship, where Ireland is the 6th largest investor in the US and Irish companies now employ more than 118,000 people across all 50 US states. Meanwhile, there are more than 970 US companies employing 211,000 people across Ireland.

AmCham Quarterly FDI Insights Survey, July 2024

AmCham has published its latest Quarterly FDI Insights Survey which highlights members’ current views on Ireland as a destination for growth and further investment.

The vast majority of members were optimistic about Ireland’s economic potential with 97% responding that Ireland is competitive when compared to other advanced global economies. Some 52% said the main reason for this was a highly educated and skilled talent pool.

Some 9 in 10 respondents said their corporate headquarters has a positive view of Ireland as an investment or growth location; however, 40% said housing is the most important challenge for Ireland to overcome for their company to invest and expand here. This was down from 49% in AmCham’s March survey. Some 19% said cost competitiveness was the most important challenge, while 12% said skills shortage was the number one challenge. These figures increased from 10% and 8% respectively since March of this year.

AmCham 2025 Budget Submission

AmCham, has launched its Budget 2025 submission Ireland’s Competitive Edge: Driving Business and Supporting Communities.


In our Budget submission, AmCham has put forward its recommendations to Government focused on delivering capacity for future growth, powering and skilling Ireland’s competitive edge, enhancing Ireland’s RD&I landscape, and strengthening Ireland’s attractiveness for digital.

Economic Report

Read a full economic analysis of the Transatlantic Trading relationship by Joseph Quinlan, Economist & Fellow of Johns Hopkins University

Why Ireland - Why AmCham?

Why Ireland - Why AmCham is a two page document that AmCham has prepared to help with the messaging for why US companies should invest in Ireland and what AmCham membership offers your company. 

Why West-North-West - Why Ireland?

Why West-North-West? Is a two page document that AmCham has prepared to help with the messaging for why US companies should invest in the West-North-West region and in Ireland.

Why South-West - Why Ireland?

#WhySouthWest is a two page document that AmCham has prepared to help with the messaging for why US companies should invest in the South-West region and in Ireland.

Why Mid-West - Why Ireland?

#WhyMidWest is a two page document that AmCham has prepared to help with the messaging for why US companies should invest in the Mid-West region and in Ireland.