Mandate Leader Masterclass
Over the past number of years, we have seen a rapid evolution in both the business and geopolitical environments. Amid this uncertainty, the stability provided by the Irish operations of US multinationals is now more important than ever in supporting an organisation’s overall corporate strategy.
AmCham recognises the unique set of challenges facing the leaders of US multinationals in Ireland and, as such, has created a space for senior business leaders to discuss their shared challenges and find solutions.
The Mandate Leader Masterclass is a bespoke programme specifically designed to support those in leadership roles in the multinational sector in Ireland. This programme equips participants with the tools they need to take their organisations, and their roles within their organisations, to the next level.
Participants benefit from the extensive AmCham network with modules delivered in a trusted environment by senior figures from AmCham’s members and stakeholders.
The programme is structured around a series of case studies that:
- Illustrate success and failure;
- Are applicable across sectors;
- Enable discussion regarding the key strategic challenges facing mandate leaders, and the skills and attributes they need to possess to address these.
Each session is an intensive workshop designed to give exposure to significant experience-led thought leadership through six modules over a 10-month time frame.
Only AmCham member organisations and key stakeholder organisations may participate
Who is the programme aimed at?
- Site/Organisation leads;
- Mandate leaders of organisations of scale;
- Holders of global/international/EMEA roles in MNCs of significant scale;
- Leaders facing significant shifts in market/industry
What do participants gain from taking part in the programme?
- Guidance from other senior leaders on how to make their role, site, and Ireland pivotal in the company‘s overall global corporate strategy;
- Deeper understanding of the strategic challenges and opportunities facing mandate leaders;
- Strategies and techniques to ensure impactful leadership in their site;
- Techniques on how to demonstrate the corporate value of their site amid increasing inter-site competition;
- A new powerful peer group of senior leaders and mentors.
Learn More
If you are interested in learning more about this programme please view our 2025 brochure by clicking below.
Contact Us
If you would like to get in touch with our Leadership Development team to discuss this programme, please reach out to:
Niall Mc Govern - Head of Leadership Development -
Orna Mulhern - Leadership Development Coordinator -
What our graduates say...

I found the AmCham Leader Masterclass Programme hugely beneficial. Access to experienced leaders who spoke candidly about their careers along with the site visits provided unparalleled insights. The questions & answer sessions with these thought leaders was powerful and has helped me in my role.

The curriculum for the programme was so well curated. The chance to get executive level insight into similar companies is a unique opportunity. It has without doubt benefited my career so far and will continue to for years to come.