Digital, Cyber & AI

Huge opportunity exists for Ireland to enhance its competitive edge in relation to data, digital, AI, and cyber.

Ensuring the widespread availability and utilisation of high-speed broadband connections across all regions is vital in supporting balanced economic development. Therefore, prioritising the delivery of the National Broadband Plan remains essential.

AmCham advocates for improved citizen access to public services and increased cybersecurity through the implementation of a “cloud first” policy which would require public bodies to first consider uploading their information to the public cloud.

AmCham has also recommended the development of regulatory sandboxes to support innovation, particularly in AI The provision of adequate resourcing for regulatory bodies, and particularly for the competent authorities designated to oversee the implementation of AI regulation.

As home to some of the world’s most digitally advanced multinationals which serve global markets, manage global data and facilitate global financial services, AmCham believes that Ireland should pursue stronger international relationships at governmental, agency and public body levels in order to provide more robust cyber protection.