Advocacy Submissions and Publications


Submission on the Tax Treatment of Interest in Ireland


This response focuses on the overarching need for a comprehensive overhaul of the existing interest-related provisions. This approach is crucial to ensure Ireland continues to attract and retain US Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).


AmCham Responds to Updated Cloud Computing Advice Note


AmCham welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback to the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer at the Department of Public Expenditure NDP Delivery and Reform on its draft updated Cloud Computing Advice Note.


AmCham Response to EU Consultation on Future Proof AI Act, Trustworthy General Purpose AI


The American Chamber of Commerce Ireland (AmCham) welcomes the opportunity to engage with the European AI Office on the topics covered by the first Code of Practice on detailing out rules for providers of general-purpose AI (GPAI) models in the context of the AI Act.

Response to Public consultation on the First Revision to the National Planning Framework


The NPF, alongside the National Development Plan (NDP) and Project Ireland 2040, will play a vital role in ensuring that this population growth is successfully catered for. In order to deliver on Ireland’s potential into the future, we must plan today to ensure Ireland is best placed to continue to compete at the highest level for future strategic inward investment.


AmCham Responds to Second Feedback Statement on Participation Exemption


AmCham welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Second Feedback Statement on the introduction of a Participation Exemption into Irish legislation.


AmCham Response to Public consultation on Moving Together, A Strategic Approach to the Improved Efficiency of the Transport System in Ireland


AmCham welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Department of Transport’s consultation “Moving Together: A Strategic Approach to the Improved Efficiency of the Transport System in Ireland.”

AmCham Responds to the Department of Housing, Local Government & Heritage’s Statement of Strategy 2024 - 2026


The American Chamber of Commerce Ireland (AmCham) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the consultation on the review of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage’s Statement of Strategy for the period 2024 – 2026.


AmCham Response to Public consultation on National Implementation of EU Harmonised Rules on Artificial Intelligence (AI Act)


The introduction of the AI Act will have a considerable impact across industry and wider society, AmCham therefore appreciates Government’s consultative approach to the implementation of the Act.


AmCham Responds Public Consultation on the Development of the Department's Statement of Strategy 2024-2025


The American Chamber of Commerce Ireland (AmCham) welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment’s consultation on the development of its Statement of Strategy for 2024-2025.


AmCham Publishes Budget 2025 Submission


AmCham, today, has launched our Budget 2025 submission ‘Ireland’s Competitive Edge: Driving Business and Supporting Communities’. In our Budget submission, AmCham has put forward its recommendations to Government focused on delivering capacity for future growth, powering and skilling Ireland’s competitive edge, enhancing Ireland’s RD&I landscape, and strengthening Ireland’s attractiveness for digital.

AmCham response to Consultation on an Update of the National Policy Framework for Alternative Fuels Infrastructure for Transport


The transport sector represents 19.4% of Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions, and whilst other sectors decreased their emissions in 2022, transport saw an increase of 6%.


AmCham Responds to National Risk Assessment 2024


AmCham welcomes the opportunity to comment on the National Risk Assessment Draft List of Strategic Risks 2024.