Minister Smyth Highlights the Government Focus on Building AI Talent Pool at AmCham’s Global Business Conference

AmCham was joined by Minister of State with Special Responsibility for Trade Promotion, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation, Niamh Smyth TD, at its 2025 Global Business Conference.
Speaking to more than 300 business leaders, Minister Smyth said that there are many reasons why Ireland is a top destination for investment including “our ease of doing business, our strong societal transatlantic links, an adaptable and skilled workforce and our research and innovation ecosystem.”
Minister Smyth said: “For A.I. companies in particular, access to talent is one of the most significant factors. We are building on a foundation of a very strong academic-led approach to developing A.I. talent.”
Minister Smyth noted that Ireland is one of the best performers in the EU in terms of human capital.
“We intend to keep this high ranking through the provision of hundreds of undergraduate and postgraduate AI course places, micro-credentials, and ICT apprenticeships."
She added: “We continue to produce the most STEM graduates per capita in the EU, which is important to US companies in the technology and life sciences sectors.”
Minister Smyth noted that Ireland’s education system produces 1,500 Masters graduates per year. “Our centres for researcher training, spread across many Irish universities, have collectively produced between 600 and 700 PhD graduates over a four-year period from 2019, effectively doubling the number of PhD graduates coming out of Ireland. This Government is committed to supporting education and skills, through traditional routes in higher education but also through alternative pathways such as reskilling, upskilling and lifelong learning,” she said.
AmCham’s 2025 Global Business Conference was sponsored by Bank of America with the Irish Times as media partner and the US Chamber of Commerce as the US Conference partner.
Watch the Minister's full speech here