AmCham Publishes Budget 2025 Submission


AmCham, today, has launched our Budget 2025 submission ‘Ireland’s Competitive Edge: Driving Business and Supporting Communities’.


In our Budget submission, AmCham has put forward its recommendations to Government focused on delivering capacity for future growth, powering and skilling Ireland’s competitive edge, enhancing Ireland’s RD&I landscape, and strengthening Ireland’s attractiveness for digital.


Ireland has made significant strides in developing into a location of choice for talent, and for inward investment. However, in ensuring Ireland remains an attractive destination for people to live and work, and for businesses to invest and grow, AmCham is advocating to Government to focus on enhancing Ireland’s offering to deliver an even more prosperous future and to ensure Ireland is best placed to maximise the opportunities of the future. In doing so, AmCham is voicing the need for the delivery of key infrastructural projects, green energy solutions, measures to cater for future skills needs, enhanced R&D supports, and a consistent, balanced and responsible regulatory environment.


Budget 2025 provides the opportunity to address topics including cost competitiveness and to take strategic investment decisions to deliver infrastructural capacity to empower Ireland not just to succeed, but to thrive in the years and decades ahead. Further, Budget 2025 provides Government with the opportunity to outline how Ireland will retain a competitive edge over competitor jurisdictions and remain a destination of choice into the future, both for people to live and for businesses to base themselves.


In building on the factors that have enabled and supported Ireland’s success up until now, Ireland can now adapt and enhance its offering to ensure it is competing globally, at the highest level, for future strategic inward investment, that it is at the forefront of driving business growth, and that it is delivering the necessary supports for communities across the width and breadth of the country for people and their families.


The recommendations within AmCham’s Budget 2025 submission are focused on five key areas:

  • Building Ireland’s Competitive Edge: Delivering housing, further planning reform, transport connectivity, projects to support balanced regional development and healthcare to provide for a growing population.
  • Powering Ireland’s Competitive Edge: Delivering sustainable energy solutions, and energy, water and wastewater infrastructure to provide capacity for current and future needs and enable a prosperous and resilient renewable energy future.
  • Skilling Ireland’s Competitive Edge: Advancing measures to address skills gaps, provide for upskilling and apprenticeships, improve the visa and permits system, and enhance the attractiveness of the personal tax, and overall taxation regime.
  • Enhancing Ireland’s Competitive Edge through RD&I: Taking action to enhance Ireland’s research ecosystem, attract and retain PhD talent, and enhance the R&D tax credit to drive innovation and support future business growth.
  • Ireland’s Competitive Edge in the Digital World: Accelerating the delivery of the National Digital Strategy, supporting innovation in A.I. and immersive technologies, enhancing digital literacy, strengthening Ireland’s voice on digital matters at EU level, and providing the necessary investment and resourcing in cybersecurity.


To read AmCham’s Budget 2025 submission, click here.