2024 Emerging Leaders Hackathon Proposals


AmCham's 2024 Emerging Leaders Hackathon kicked off in Croke Park on Wednesday May 16. 

We have 72 participants from over 50 different AmCham member companies who will be putting the skills that they have learned throughout the Emerging Leaders Programme to good use as they attempt to hack an innovative commercial and/or social solution to address the Sustainable Development Goals in Ireland.

You can read about all of the 2024 AmCham Emerging Leaders Hackathon Projects Below. 


Team 1: Mushroom Brick

Team 2: Spares

Team 3: Road Range

Team 4: Ballot to Block

Team 5: M itigation A ssistatnt Tool M.A.T

Team 6: Sign Connect

Team 7: Carbon Zero

Team 8: Green Smiles for Miles

Team 9: Waste to Watts

Team 10: IKarma